When you get a pet, it’s advisable to take out pet insurance at an early stage as costs can increase significantly as your pet gets older and requires possible long-term treatment. Specialist conditions can result in large veterinary bills for medications and ongoing testing, so it’s best to acquire cover before it’s too late.

Emergency care after accidents can also end up being extremely expensive, with bills often running to several thousands of dollars. At Casey and Cranbourne Veterinary Hospital, we advise all our patrons to get pet insurance for their animals, for your peace of mind.

While pet insurance isn’t quite like Medicare for pets, it does give protection against unexpected accident and illness, so is better to have in the long run. Many pet owners don’t have insurance for their pets in Australia, compared to around 80% in Great Britain. However, pet insurance has become more popular here in recent years, with many more companies now available, which means there’s never been a better time to enquire about it.

Depending on which company you choose, you may even be able to include your pets in your home and contents insurance, so it’s always worth finding out about.

Levels of cover

There are a variety of insurance packages available for pets in Australia, and just like human health insurance, you need to choose what best suits your pet’s needs. You can take out insurance that covers multiple issues, including accident cover and poisoning, or opt for fully comprehensive cover for both accident and illness.

Some policies may also include cover for vaccinations and medications for heartworm and flea prevention. At Casey and Cranbourne Veterinary Hospital, we can provide you with information on the various companies although we are unable to recommend a particular company or policy for legal reasons.

Quality Veterinary Services for your pets

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